this form
to build a URL to the
web service. Notice that as you edit the form,
the link is automatically updated.
What is the nodata=404 URL parameter?
Targets |
You can define a specific target string, or apply a SNCLQ filter.
- Target: This parameter allows individual
targets to be named directly in N.S.L.C.Q order. See list below.
- SNCLQ filter: These parameters select the
targets that match the given SNCLQ components.
The five components, in N.S.L.C.Q order are:
- Network – a SEED network code – ex. IU
- Station – a SEED station code – ex. ANMO
- Location – a SEED location code – ex. 00
- Channel – a SEED channel code – ex. BH1
- Quality – a SEED quality code – ex. M
Quality |
Select data based on miniSEED data quality indicator.
Choose from quality M (default) and D. |
Start Time |
Data start time.
Specify time as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (e.g. "2010-06-14 00:00:00"). |
End Time |
Data end time.
Specify time as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (e.g. "2010-06-14 00:00:00"). |
Output |
This parameter selects how to display power. The outputs available are:
power – (default) show power.
powerdmedian – power relative to the median per frequency power level.
powerdhnm – power relative to the High Noise Model.
powerdlnm – power relative to the Low Noise Model.
powerdnm – power relative to both Noise Models. Positive values designate powers above both noise models, negative values designate powers below both noise models and zero values designate powers between both noise models.
Format |
This parameter selects the output format. The formats available are:
plot – Plots the data as a graph in PNG format.
Noise Model Options (depending on output type) |
Allows the mode power levels to be compared to noise models.
power – Output values are simply the mode power levels.
powerdhnm – Power values are differenced against the high-noise model.
powerdlnm – Power values are differenced against the low-noise model.
powerdnm – Power values are compared to both the high and low noise models.
By Period – Define a custom noise model by period.
By Frequency – Define a custom noise model by frequency.
Plot Options |
Affects output when format=plot .
Title – Alternative to auto-generated title. “hide” for no title.
Subtitle – Subtitle. “hide” for no subtitle.
Title font size – Sets the title font size.
Subtitle font size – Sets the subtitle font size.
Size – Specify the width and height of the plot in pixels.
Color palette – Specify plot color palette.
Invert color palette? – Invert plot color palette.
Plot Axis |
Label font size – Manually set the font size of axis labels.
Horizontal axis – Set plot orientation. The horizontal axis can be either time or freq[uency].
Plot Horizontal Axis - Time |
Specifications for a horizontal "by Time" axis.
Time axis label – The label of the time axis. Use “hide” to not show.
Match time axis to request? – If true, the plot will match the date range of the request. If false, the plot will match the date range of the data.
Time axis format – Custom date format for time axis.
Time axis tick unit – How often time tick units are drawn. One of auto, day, month, year.
Invert axis? – Flips the time axis.
Plot Horizontal Axis - Frequency |
Specifications for a horizontal "by Frequency" axis.
Show frequency axis? – Controls whether the frequency axis is shown. “hide” or “show”.
Frequency label – The label of the frequency axis. Use “hide” to not show.
Invert axis? – Flip the frequency axis.
Frequency axis range – Set the displayed range of the frequency axis. Defaults to the full frequency range of the data.
Plot Powerscale |
Specifications for a horizontal "by Frequency" axis.
Show powerscale? – Show or hide color scale.
Powerscale autorange – A number from 0 to 1. Determines range of data mapped to color scale based on percentile. Mutually exclusive with plot.powerscale.range
Powerscale range – Range of power values to be mapped to color scale. Mutually exclusive with plot.powerscale.autorange
Powerscale size (WxH) – Specify the width and height of the color power scale including text.
Powerscale horizontal (x) – Horizontal positon of the color power scale in pixels. Negative values measure from the right side of image
Powerscale vertical (y) – Vertical positon of the color power scale in pixels. Negative values measure from the bottom of image
Powerscale orientation – Determines the orientation of the color power scale.
Nodata |
If no data is returned by the service, return
a 404 response rather than the
default 204.
Learn more about HTTP response codes. |
Problems with this service?
Please send an email report of which service you were using, your URL query, and any error feedback to:
We will address your issue as soon as possible.