NSF SAGE Facility IRISWS metadatachange Web Service Documentation


The metadatachange service returns information related to historical changes that have been made to SEED metadata. Results are returned in XML only. Metadata changes can be searched by SEED channel constraint parameters, time of metadata change, or type of metadata change

Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.

Query Usage

 /query? [channel-options] [time-constraints] [class-parameters] [misc-parameters] [nodata=404]


channel-options   ::  [network=<network>] [station=<station>] [location=<location>] [channel=<channel>]
time-constraints  ::  [startchange=<date>] [endchange=<date>] [starttime=<date>] [endtime=<date>]
metadata-types    ::  [class=<string>] [detail=<string>] [description=<string>]
misc-parameters   ::  [limit=<integer>] [format=<xml>]

Each parameter-value pair should be separated by an ampersand (&) and with no space.

Sample Queries

Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter

Parameters Examples Specification Default Type
Channel Options
net[work] IU Select one or more SEED network codes. any string1
sta[tion] ANMO Select one or more SEED station codes. any string1
loc[ation] 00 Select one or more SEED location identifiers. Use -- for “blank” location IDs that contain 2 spaces any string1
cha[nnel] BHZ Select one or more SEED channel codes. any string1
Time Constraints
startchange 2010-10-10T00:00:00 Limit results to changes in metadata occurring on or after the specified start time any day/time
endchange 2010-10-10T00:00:00 Limit results to changes in metadata occurring on or before the specified end time any day/time
starttime 2002-01-01T12:00:00 Define start of time range for channel and station epochs any day/time
endtime 2013-01-01T23:59:59 Define end of time range for channel and station epochs any day/time
Class Types
class ChannelOrientation Station or Channel level change. See Metadata Changes chart for potential values. all string1
detail Azimuth Type of change applied. See Metadata Changes chart. for potential values. all string1
description Stage:2* Sub-string selection of the text listed in the Description parameter field. all string1
Format and Output Options
limit 10 Limit results to the specified number of changes. unlimited integer
format xml Specify output format. XML is only currently valid format. xml string
nodata 404 Specify which HTML Status code is returned when no data is found2. 204 204 or 404

1 Accepts wildcards and lists

2 By default, the service returns a HTTP response code of 204 when the request was successful, but no data (ie., no content) was returned. However, when this occurs no error message is generated and it may appear that the browser does nothing. To force an empty response to display an error message add nodata=404 to the URL.

Metadata Changes: Class and Detail

For the schema location (in FDSN StationXML) of each change, see the Help section.

Class Detail Information about Change
Station Added Added station, completely new to the DMC’s metadata holdings
Removed Removed station, completely removed from the DMC’s metadata holdings
StartTimeChange Network:Station
EndTimeChange Network:Station
Channel Added Added channel epoch for existing station
Removed Removed channel epoch for existing station
StartTimeChange Channel start epoch change, new entry overlaps previous entry
EndTimeChange Channel end epoch change, new entry overlaps previous entry
StationLocation Latitude Change in station latitude
Longitude Change in station longitude
Elevation Change in station elevation
ChannelLocation Latitude Change in channel latitude
Longitude Change in channel longitude
Elevation Change in channel elevation
Depth Change in channel depth
ChannelOrientation Azimuth Change in channel azimuth
Dip Change in channel dip
ChannelData SampleRate Change in channel sample rate
ChannelDescription SensorType Change in channel sensor type
ChannelSensitivity Value Change in channel sensitivity
Frequency Change in frequency of channel sensitivity
Polynomial Change in any coefficient of the polynomial
InputUnits Change in sensitivity input units
OutputUnits Change in sensitivity output units
ChannelSensor Sensor Change of any element or attribute value in Stage 1. Changes in response repeat values are not listed individually.
ChannelDigitalResponse DigitalResponse Change of any element or attribute value in Stages 2-N, log record indicates which Stage changed. Changes in response repeat values are not listed individually.


Retrieve the WADL associated with this service:


Date and Time Formats

Year, Month, Day in Month — Time:

YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123

YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 a time of 00:00:00 is assumed


YYYY	:: four-digit year
MM	:: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD	:: two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
T	:: date-time separator
hh	:: two digits of hour (00 through 23) (AM/PM NOT allowed)
mm	:: two digits of minute (00 through 59)
ss	:: two digits of second (00 through 59)
ssssss	:: one to six digits representing decimal fractions of a second, down to microseconds

Glob Expressions

The question mark ? represents any single character (exactly one), while the asterisk * represents zero or more characters. These wildcards work when specifying a target, but not when specifying a SNCLQ filter.

Problems with this service?

Please send an email report of which service you were using, your URL query, and any error feedback to:
We will address your issue as soon as possible.

IRISWS metadatachange web service