Start Time |
Earliest event time. |
End Time |
Latest event time. |
Minimum Magnitude |
Self-explanatory. |
Maximum Magnitude |
Self-explanatory. |
Magnitude Type |
Some common magnitude types are listed,
other types may be specified by modifying the URL. |
Catalog |
Catalog listing the event. |
Contributor |
Group contributing the event. |
Include All Magnitudes |
List all contributed magnitudes; otherwise, choose only
the magnitude from the preferred contributor. |
Order By |
Specify the sort order of the results. |
Output Format |
Specify output format. |
Max Number Of Events To Return |
Limit the results to the specified number of events. |
Offset |
Return results starting at the event count specified. |
Minimum Depth |
Self-explanatory. |
Maximum Depth |
Self-explanatory. |
Lat/Lon Box |
Return events within a range of latitudes or longitudes. |
Lat/Lon Radius |
Return events a given distance (in degrees) of a location. |
Event Id |
Get event by ID. Most other options are unavailable
when an event ID is specified. |
Updated After |
Return events updated since the given date. |
Nodata |
If no data is returned by the service, return
a 404 response rather than the
default 204.
Learn more about HTTP response codes. |