NSF SAGE Facility PH5WS event Web Service Documentation


The ph5ws-event web service returns event (shot) information for controlled source PH5 experiments stored at the IRIS DMC.

Events may be selected based on catalog, time, location, and internal identifiers.

By default results are returned as XML in QuakeML format (schema), but may also be requested in a pipe-delimited text format.

This service is an implementation of the FDSN web service specification version 1.

Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.

Query Usage

/query? (catalog=<catalog-id>) [geographic-constraints] [temporal-constraints] [format-option] [id-options]


geographic-constraints	  ::  [boundaries-rect] OR [boundaries-radial]
boundaries-rect		  ::  [minlatitude=<degrees>] [maxlatitude=<degrees>]
				  [minlongitude=<degrees>] [maxlongitude=<degrees>]
boundaries-radial	  ::  [latitude=<degrees>] [longitude=<degrees>] [maxradius=<degrees>] [minradius=<degrees>]
temporal-constraints	  ::  [starttime=<date>] [endtime=<date>]
format-option		  ::  [format=<xml|shottext>]
id-options		  ::  [shotline=<id_value>] [shotid=<id_value>]

(..) required parameter
[..] optional parameter

All parameters must be separated by ampersands (&) as demonstrated in the samples below.

Sample Queries

Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter

parameter examples discussion default type
catalog ZI or
The catalog of events. Catalogs are identified by PH5 FDSN Network codes and/or PH5 Report Numbers. Accepts wildcards and lists. text
shotline 001 The 3-character shot line number that shots belong to. Accepts wildcards and lists. any text
shot[id] 5013 The shot (event) id1. Accepts wildcards and lists. any text
FDSN options
start[time] 2015-06-29 Limit to events occurring on or after the specified start time. any day/time
end[time] 2015-07-01 Limit to events occurring on or before the specified end time. any day/time
BOX search terms incompatible with radial search
minlat[itude] 34.00 Southern boundary. -90° degrees
maxlat[itude] 38.00 Northern boundary. 90° degrees
minlon[gitude] -78.00 Western boundary. -180° degrees
maxlon[gitude] -73.00 Eastern boundary. 180° degrees
RADIAL search terms incompatible with the box search
lat[itude] 36.00 Specify the central latitude point. 0.0 degrees
lon[gitude] -79.00 Specify the central longitude point. 0.0 degrees
maxradius 5.0 Specify maximum distance from the geographic point defined by latitude and longitude. 180.0 degrees
minradius 0.5 Specify minimum distance from the geographic point defined by latitude and longitude. 0.0 degrees
format shottext Specify format. Valid formats include xml, shottext and geocsv xml text
nodata 404 Specify which HTML Status code is returned when no data is found.2 204 204 or 404

1 Note that shotid are not necessarily unique. To select a particular shot, the shotline parameter must also be assigned.

2 By default, the service returns a HTTP response code 204, which means the request was successful, but no data (no content) was retrieved. However, because there was no “error”, no error message is generated and it may appear that the browser did nothing. To force an empty query response to display an error message, add nodata=404 to the URL.


Output may be formatted as Text or XML. If format=xml or format is not specified, then the results will be returned in quakeml format. When format=shottext or format=geocsv, then a simple | separated table is returned.

Geographic search

Using latitude / longitude boundaries (Bounding Rectangle)

The following four parameters work together to specify a boundary rectangle. All four parameters are optional, but may not be mixed with the parameters used for searching within a defined radius. Values are specified in decimal degrees, with the bounding box capable of crossing the ±180° meridian.


Using a radial boundary (Bounding Radius)

The following four parameters work together to specify a boundary as a great circle radius around a coordinate. latitude, longitude, maxradius and minradius. All values are specified using decimal degrees.



Retrieve the WADL associated with this service:


Date and Time Formats

Year, Month, Day in Month — Time:

YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123

YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 a time of 00:00:00 is assumed


YYYY	:: four-digit year
MM	:: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD	:: two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
T	:: date-time separator
hh	:: two digits of hour (00 through 23) (AM/PM NOT allowed)
mm	:: two digits of minute (00 through 59)
ss	:: two digits of second (00 through 59)
ssssss	:: one to six digits representing decimal fractions of a second, down to microseconds

Requests that return no result

By default, this web service return an HTTP code of 404 (rather than 204) when a request is “successful”, but there were no matching results. If 204 is chosen and no results are found, a web browser will not refresh its previous results. When 404 is used, a browser will update any headers (or tags) displayed on the screen, but will list no values. To force the service to return a 204, add the query parameter &nodata=204.

Wildcards and Lists

The question mark ? represents any single character (exactly one), while the asterisk * represents zero or more characters.

Multiple items may also be retrieved using a comma separated list. Wildcards may be included in the list. For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ,BHE

Problems with this service?

Please send an email report of which service you were using, your URL query, and any error feedback to:
We will address your issue as soon as possible.

PH5WS event web service