NSF SAGE Facility MUSTANG metrics Web Service Documentation

metric_error Metric Error Metric


Metric_error records an error code and short description when an error occurred during the calculation of a metric that prevented the metric from successfully returning a value.

Implemented on 02/27/2018. Metrics that were run and failed prior to this date will not have a metric_error entry.

Modified on 04/10/2018. “Connection timed out” messages have changed from code 112 to 119, along with “Operation timed out” messages.
Modified on 11/13/2020. Added code 414, metadata normalization frequency is 0.
Modified on 12/23/2020. Added code 415, evalresp returns all null values.


The error_metric can be used to investigate why a metric that was run did not return a value to the database. It returns a numerical code 101-999, grouped into error types (see list of error codes below) and a short message that describes what caused the metric to fail.

Usually errors affect a single station-channel (Network.Station.Location.Channel.Quality target, or similar depending on the specific metric) but occasionally if the process fails early in the data selection it can affect multiple station-channels. In this case, the reported target for the error_metric will contain wildcards or a list of targets.

Once an error_metric is recorded to the database, there is no process to remove it if the original metric is successfully re-run (e.g., there was a temporary web service failure and the metric was recalculated at a later date). Looking at the load date for the error_metric and the actual metric can help determine when this has taken place.

Note: If the irisws/dataselect web service returns “no data found”, then no error_metric will be recorded.

If using this metric with rrds to retrieve only data associated with a specific error number, be sure to set “No Measurements” to “reject”.

Data Analyzed

Data analyzed is specific to the metric that originated the error.

SEED Channel Types – ?H?, ?L?, ?N?, ?G?, ?P?, VM? | High Gain, Low Gain, Accelerometer, Gravimeter, Geophone, Mass Channels


List of Error Codes and Descriptions:

webservice errors (100)
101 could not resolve host (service.iris.edu or earthquake.usgs.gov)
102 failure when receiving data from the peer
103 temporary redirect failure
104 internal server error
105 connection reset by peer
106 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
107 returned no content
108 returned unexpected content
109 url not found
110 ssl received unexpected change cipher spec record
111 gateway time-out or bad gateway
112 failed to connect or network is unreachable
113 connection refused
114 service unavailable
115 authentication error
116 encountered end of file
117 other unexpected http code
118 bad request
119 connection or operation timed out
120 security library failure

irisws/evalresp web service specific errors (200)
201 no metadata
202 check_channel error
203 norm_resp error
204 check_units error
205 other evalresp failure
206 parse_coefficient error

data errors libmseed (300)
301 number of blockettes in fixed header does not match the number parsed
302 libmseed__msr_unpack error
303 libmseed__mstl_addmsrtoseg error
304 libmseed impossible
305 data offset is within blockette chain
306 data is of type a. must be i, f or d.
307 unsupported encoding format
308 libmseed__msr_decode_sro error
309 libmseed other

data or other metadata errors (400)
401 mergeTraces.Stream failed
402 data is flatlined or has single sample
403 psd returned empty list
404 data has gaps
405 unusable sample rate
406 NA values generated
407 sample_snr: no signal (strong motion channels only)
409 multiple metadata epoch
410 trace length too short
411 cannot rotate traces
412 metadata does not match data sample rate
413 evalresp fap has different number of frequencies than uncorrected psd
414 metadata normalization frequency is 0

data comparison errors (500)
501 start or end times differ; or different trace lengths
503 sample rates not compatible
505 horizontal channels are not orthogonal within 3 degrees
506 compatible station-channels have no data or no compatible station-channels
507 wrong number of channels available or no channels available that meet criteria
508 orientation codes do not match 1,2,E,N,Z
509 dc_offset: not enough sample_mean measurements
510 dc_offset: more than one sample_mean measurement found for single day

database or Master Control Runtime (MCR) errors (600)
601 postgresql fatal too many clients
602 postgresql other
603 java runtime exception
604 cannot get JDBC connection
605 bss timeout exception

event errors (700)
701 missing latitude or longitude
702 missing depth
703 USGS reports deleted event

R errors (800)
801 cannot allocate memory

unclassified (900)
999 other error

Metric Values Returned

value – numerical error code assigned
message – description of error
metric – metric name that produced the error
target – usually a Network.Station.Location.Channel.Quality descriptor, but this is specific to the metric that failed. If the metric fails very early in the process, this may also record targets with wildcards or a list of targets.
start – start time of the metric that produced the error
end – end time of the metric that produced the error
lddate – date/time the measurement was made and loaded into the MUSTANG database (UTC)


  • gillian@iris.washington.edu

